Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Golden Century Seafood Restaurant, Chinatown

393-399 Sussex Street,
Sydney NSW 2000,

Tel: +61 2 9212 3901
Fax: +61 2 9211 6292

So it was my mum's birthday and we decided to eat seafood... at golden century on sussex st.. many people would've been there before.. I think? LOL! so we started off with a daily soup

I don't really know what soup this is......... >.>'' but tasted ok ^^

and then we ordered hot pot.. with bigbig abalone and fishy.. and dumplings... and it didn't seem enough for 5 people so half way we ordered some mussel.

the abalone sliced super thinly..~~ =O

and some fish that costed $1xx =\

dumplings =) sorry for the blurriness.

bwahahhaa..~~ hot hot XD

yay!~ soft soft abalone~~ so yum~~

and FISH... I love eating fish XD! even though they look very ugly ==

and the dumpling which was had very very rich flavours... =\ abit too much flavour.. LOL

LOL this was abit too chilli for me so I only ate one AHHAH

this isn't edible. LOL After main meal they gave us wet tissue to wipe down our hands for fruits and dessert

I was never a fan of chinese dessert since I was little.. and still don't like them.. so I didn't drink any of this last night hahaha I'll stick to my icecream =P even though its 93829123times more fattening =0=''

and fruits and some biscuits thingos... =)

a very nice dinner.. I was so full... and acceptable price for a table of 5... =] i think? actually I don't know.. pretty expensive but yea =='' for those chinese seafood place I guess it's normal =0='' hahahha~~

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